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Optica Festival – Bolivia

Organized by the Asociación Cultural Colectivo Interferencias
Director: Samanta Orihuela

Optica is one of the first projects of its kind and, at the same time, is among the contemporary art events which attracts the most media attention.

This initiative, organized by the Asociación Cultural Colectivo Interferencias, offers a forum for interchange and promotion that encourages an encounter with visual experimentation at an international level. To experiment means to go in search of the unknown. Videoart breaks established precepts, conferring prominence on the essence of film: light, sound and movement, in some cases resulting in pure abstraction. That’s why it’s one of the most natural and genuine forms of audio-visual culture, to the degree that it demands a subjective perception of space-time, through the technology of the electronic image.

We seek to provoke reactions in the spectator’s personal world-view, to stir up his private apprehensions. We aim to explore reality, but via a deconstruction of its constituting elements. We want to discover how we create our memories; how not only fantasy but pre-established patterns come to form part of the articulation of space and architecture; how we domesticate life by resorting to codes.

To set out on the path leading to video art means exploring the byways of observation. An observation which through the years has been transmuted, revealing to us its complicity with history and its discursive potential transformed into cultural image.

Last editions
2011 – Sucre, 10 to 12 August
2011 – Santa Cruz, September 27 to 28
2010 – December 8th to 10th, 2010.
2009 – August 20 to 29, 2009.

Source: Optica Festival official Website

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