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SESC – São Paulo

Founded in 1946
Regional director of Sesc SP: Danilo Santos de Miranda

The actions offered by SESC (Serviço Social do Comércio – Social Service of the Commerce) are fruit of a solid cultural and educational project that brings, since its creation by the commerce, services and tourism sector in 1946, the mark of innovation and social transformation.

Over the years, SESC has been innovative by introducing new models of cultural actions and highlighted, in the decade of 1980, education as a project for social transformation. Accomplishing this purpose has come to fruition by an intense action on the field of culture and its different demonstrations, destined to all audiences, of diverse age groups and social strata. This does not mean only offering a great diversity of events, but effectively contributing for more lasting and meaningful experiences.

In the State of São Paulo, SESC has 36 cultural centers, most of them being also sports centers, a TV station (SESCTV), a web portal (SESCSP), a publishing house (Edições SESCSP), a record label that produces DVDs and CDs (Selo Sesc) and a Research and Training Center. Activities are offered in several areas, such as socio-education, health and nutrition, arts, digital culture, sports and physical education, food safety, in addition to programs for specific audiences (children, young and seniors). SESC, thus, puts forth actions of permanent non-formal education seeking to valorize and stimulate the development of people by encouraging autonomy, contact and interaction with diverse expressions and ways of thinking, acting and feeling.

Principal centers
SESC Belezinho
SESC Ipiranga
SESC Consolação
SESC Pompeia
SESC Pinheiros

To consult the complete list go to the website « About the SESC »/« Our units »

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